
Looking for someone to host your next golf day? Interested in sponsoring a professional sportsman? Or, maybe you'd just like a putting tip for your game this weekend?

If you've played in one of our events, you can also use this form to send feedback.

If you'd like to get in contact, please fill out your details using the form.

If you would prefer to talk on the  phone; +44 (0) 7732 103984

Arquen House, 4-6 Spicer Street
St Albans, Herts, AL3 4PQ
United Kingdom

+44 (0) 7732 103984

Corporate Golf


Corporate Golf Events

It’s our mission to run the best corporate golf experiences in the UK.

No wasted time in your business - we do the work, you take the credit

Seamless experience from start to finish - we’re detailed obsessed so you don’t have to be

You'll get a golf day where you can actually spend time with your clients

Enjoy your day rather than worrying about logistics - no hassle

Well-presented, personable staff with world-wide professional golf experience

Over 50 events successfully delivered across a wide range of industries, venues and requirements

Whether you're looking to impress one or two of your most valued clients, run a series of golf events throughout the year, or anything in between, you can rely on us to create an event that's designed around your specific outcome goals and requirements.


Golf Event Management

With extensive experience of touring around the world hosting, playing and experiencing a wide variety of golf days, tournaments and Pro-Ams, you can rely on us to help you get the most out of your golf day. If anyone in your company has ever tried to run their own golf day, worrying about logistics on the day, whilst trying to enjoy playing in it and actually spending enough time with the clients they've invited, they will immediately understand the value of having someone else do the work. Or perhaps your CEO and Managers are golf mad, but the marketing team doesn't play golf or know the first thing about it?

Rather than dealing with different suppliers and golf club assistants, you'll have one contact to take care of everything. We'll suggest additional items appropriate for your day, including things such as; welcome gifts and logo merchandise, pre-golf business workshops, professional tuition clinics, trackman analysis, live scoring on the course, arranging a professional to play with every group and a personalised event website. Of course there are many other ways to make a golf day your own, but our goal is always for the guests to leave thinking "that's the best golf day I've ever been on."

Played great courses before, but want to see how it's really done?

Having a pro turn up to a golf day is nothing new, but what if every group at your day had their own individual pro to play 18 holes with them? We've heard countless times "we had a pro for a clinic beforehand but he was grumpy and didn't want to be there or interact with us at all," so all the professionals chosen to play are personable as well as being great players. You'll get to watch 300 yard drives, refined short game skills and have an expert read all your putts for you! Ask your pro how they play that certain shot you've always struggled with.

This isn't "beat the pro", or the chance to play one hole with a pro. You get the entire round. 18 holes. A pro-am tournament just for your staff and clients.

If that's not enough, go one step further and start your day with a tuition clinic or trackman analysis, so you and your guests will leave with some guidance on how to improve your games.

Private Golf Day

This is an ideal way to create an impressive, intimate golf day for a limited number of guests and is especially effective if those guests are really into their golf. You'll spend the day with Will at a top-tier UK venue such as Woburn, Stoke Park or The Grove. This day has everything you'd expect from one of our larger golf days but on a more personal level. There are two main options for this day; bring up to 6 guests with you for 1-2 4-balls with tour professional golfers, or bring a larger group for a unique tuition day with Will and a PGA coach.