
Looking for someone to host your next golf day? Interested in sponsoring a professional sportsman? Or, maybe you'd just like a putting tip for your game this weekend?

If you've played in one of our events, you can also use this form to send feedback.

If you'd like to get in contact, please fill out your details using the form.

If you would prefer to talk on the  phone; +44 (0) 7732 103984

Arquen House, 4-6 Spicer Street
St Albans, Herts, AL3 4PQ
United Kingdom

+44 (0) 7732 103984

Centurion Invitational Am-Am (Copy)

The Centurion Invitational

Hosted by Will Roebuck

Centurion Club, St. Albans - 9th September

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From 8:30am - Arrival, Registration & Breakfast
Trackman area for warm-up | Putting competition
9:30-10:30 - Tee-times for 18 Holes ‘Am-Am’
From 2:30pm - Post-round drinks, BBQ & prizes

Please note that locker room & showering facilities are currently closed due to COVID restrictions

“Am-Am” Fomat - play will be in 4-balls (all amateurs) with the 2 best scores counting for the team on each hole

Other Services On The Day


VPAR Live Scoring

On-course refreshments and snacks included

What to expect at Centurion

Exclusive, members-only club

Meticulously maintained golf course

Widely regarded as one of the best new courses in the UK.

European Tour event host 2017 & 18 (see ‘Golf Sixes’ video below)

LPGA Tour event rescheduled for 2021

Whisky Lounge & fine-dining restaurant in the clubhouse (when COVID restrictions are lifted)

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On arrival you’ll be asked to have your temperature taken at the club entrance gate

Please keep 2m apart whilst on site

A face covering will be required to enter the pro shop

Locker rooms & showers will not be open

Please do not include the club in any social media posts

All catering/meals will take place outside - this includes breakfast and the post-round BBQ

Sharing buggies will be permitted with clear screen divides between the seats

Highlights from the European Tour’s ‘Golf Sixes’

On Arrival, make your way to through the golf entrance to the right side of the building. Registration and breakfast will take place in the new courtyard bar & bbq area. Clubhouse facilities will be limited due to COVID restrictions.

For VPAR live scoring, please download the VPAR app from your app store.

Overnight Stays

For any guests wishing to stay the night, we recommend Sopwell House & St Michael’s Manor Hotel, both located around 10 minutes drive away in St Albans.

Centurion Club is located on the A4147 (Hemel Hempstead Road) and is easily accessible from the M25 and M1 Motorways.

The postcode for SatNavs is HP3 8LA and the club can be contacted on 01442 510520.

For guests travelling by train, the nearest station is St Albans City - just 18 minutes from St Pancras International & 10 minutes from Centurion.


We look forward to welcoming you on the day. If you need anything at all, please get in touch with Will directly:

07732 103984 |